Prints of Edvard Munch

August 25, 2014 § Leave a comment

I have been slacking off after arduous writing assignments, so I’m back on blogging.

So, Munch. Lately, I often come across his painting and prints on the internet, and it turned on my curiosity. To me, Munch was just Scream. That was the one and only Munch to me. But his prints are very interesting.

Check this out: Edvard Munch: Symbolism in Print, MoMA collections.

According to the website, this exhibition was at the North Carolina Museum of Art with the collection at the MoMA. Munch’s art can sometimes be too showy about emotions, as in Scream, but his prints are a bit more subtle but still obviously expressive. It may sound supercilious, but to me, Munch’s art is soul-less. It’s not about agony and suffering. It’s more about hopeless and helpless surrender to life.

But how beautiful surrender can be. When you drop everything and throw your hopes out, the empty world is suddenly beautiful in its own way. That’s how I feel when I see Munch’s art: depression isn’t all that bad.

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